Mack McKenzie
The New Well-Being: A Post Pandemic Holistic View
In my TEDx talk last November, I made the case for love, purpose and connection as the foundation necessary for antidoting chronic disease and experiencing deep well-being. The current pandemic has produced a trail of social isolation, record unemployment and economic collapse. Divides both politically and socially have left many of us feeling uncertain, exposed, vulnerable, angry, confused [...]
read moreThe Rise of the CWO
A WHEN perspective: WHEN created the key roles and titles of CBO (Chief Being Officer) and CWO, my title, Chief WHEN Officer, on our leadership team many years ago predicting what was to come in comprehensive well-being activities in the workplace. We remain proud of our vision and mission. Today, there is a movement to [...]
read moreThe Science of a New Way of Life
Burt Bacharach famously sang, “What the world needs now is love, sweet love...” But today, I’d update that classic lyric with a simple, yet profound shift – because what I believe the world needs now is… not a New Normal, but a New Way of Life, In speaking with Randy Miller, the founder of WHEN, I [...]
read more24 Ways to Infuse Holistic Practices when Working from Home
Increasing numbers of WHEN clients continue to report significantly positive changes because they’re reviewing and evaluating every aspect of their lives holistically. This process includes some of the practices they’re adopting to keep their focus on balance, productivity and happiness while working from home in the wake of COVID-91-caused workplace reorganization. We’re seeing the importance [...]
read moreThen & Now – WHEN It’s Time for Well-being Leadership
Then… I still remember the smell of the burning jet fuel and the way smoke covered the sky. My memory of the incident is clear. A T-38 Talon military trainer jet crashed in a residential area outside of Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. While the pilot had escaped with minor injuries, two homes in [...]
…if everyone around you is “losing it”! Staying positive when the world is “losing it” is one of the best ways of surviving the tide and making it out of the storm. However, remaining focused can be challenging. It requires a strong mindset. If you are struggling to remain positive during the COVID-19 pandemic, here [...]
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