Heart Health Tips from Star Jones
February 27, 2019

Heart Health Tips from Star Jones

Every February IAW recognizes Heart Health Month. Their President, Star Jones, is a volunteer and spokesperson for The American Heart Association but her work  and passion with this organization is not just about philanthropy or charity. Star Jones is a heart disease survivor. You may think of her as a former out spoken voice on [...]

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Self-Care – Put yourself First
December 30, 2018

Self-Care – Put yourself First

“If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, WHEN?” -Hillel I love this quote by Hillel. This is the epitome of self-care. This says to me, I must be responsible for my life because, even though [...]

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December 20, 2018


Fulfillment - "Satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing one’s potential." Fulfillment...isn't that what we all want? What each of us means by fulfillment, satisfaction, or happiness may vary, but we venture to say that everyone's definition likely includes feeling good about themselves. This can include anything from “I’m a good cook,” or [...]

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1 Easy Way to Reduce Stress during the Holiday Season
December 13, 2018

1 Easy Way to Reduce Stress during the Holiday Season

Happy Holidays! Holidays are supposed to be happy, joyous, and wondrous, right? Instead, it’s often such a stressful time that we just want to stop the world and get off! Bah humbug! What with holiday parties, cramming extra errands in (holiday shopping anyone?), year-end deadlines, extra hours at work, and the regular stress of our [...]

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What? Me Worry?
December 6, 2018

What? Me Worry?

“I’ve lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” Mark Twain Worry is like that. As we ruminate and worry, we put our bodies through tremendous stress, almost as if we have actually lived through the situation we are worried about. It’s estimated that anywhere between 80-90% of what we [...]

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Multitasking – Boon or Bane?
November 29, 2018

Multitasking – Boon or Bane?

Happy WHENsday! In the throes of the busyness of the holiday season, I found myself attempting to do far too many things at one time. I was multitasking again - something I know that research warns against. Yet I persist. We’ve all done it. In fact, most of us probably think we're pretty good at [...]

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