The Win-Win of Workplace Well-being Programs
Well-being in the workplace is more important than ever. Even prior to the pandemic, a crisis was looming within company walls both in the U.S. and around the world. According to recent Gallup Poll research, almost 65% of Americans and 80% of people worldwide are emotionally disengaged at work. When you add the collective trauma brought on [...]
read moreWho are our WHEN ADVISORS?
Meet Jen Dorf, WHEN Being Advisor The search for belonging is, at its core, a search for self. And it’s a journey Jen Dorf is intimately familiar with. Since childhood, she’s had a gift for seeing the light and potential in every person she meets. “I could talk to anyone from when I was a [...]
read moreFive Considerations to Boost Your Well-Being – C.L.A.N.G!
Well, this year was a doosey for most of us! And I think there are plenty of us that can’t wait for Ryan Seacrest or Carson Daily to just drop the doggone ball already and get on to 2021!!! 2020 gave us a world-wide pandemic, devastating social unrest, a contentious presidential election, massive unemployment, and [...]
read moreFounder’s Reflections
WHEN was founded in 2015 to address the single most adverse factor affecting American business productivity – rampant personal malaise among a majority of American workers in every category of the business community. To address this, we created the nation’s first truly comprehensive and wholistic virtual program for enhancing employee productivity by fully integrating the three [...]
read moreCreating Lasting Change
One of the big contributors to feelings of added anxiety and stress is change. It’s likely that most of us have had to make some serious changes over the last few months. What are the biggest changes you’ve had to deal with over the last few months? If change is difficult for you, here is [...]
read moreFinding My WHEN
I didn’t know it at the time, but December 2019 was the beginning of my journey to find my personal WHEN, and my experience can be an example to others. The end of 2019 was a dark time for me. Literally, it was shortly after the winter solstice and even in the high desert the [...]
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