1 Easy Way to Reduce Stress during the Holiday Season
Happy Holidays! Holidays are supposed to be happy, joyous, and wondrous, right? Instead, it’s often such a stressful time that we just want to stop the world and get off! Bah humbug! What with holiday parties, cramming extra errands in (holiday shopping anyone?), year-end deadlines, extra hours at work, and the regular stress of our [...]
read moreWhat? Me Worry?
“I’ve lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” Mark Twain Worry is like that. As we ruminate and worry, we put our bodies through tremendous stress, almost as if we have actually lived through the situation we are worried about. It’s estimated that anywhere between 80-90% of what we [...]
read moreMultitasking – Boon or Bane?
Happy WHENsday! In the throes of the busyness of the holiday season, I found myself attempting to do far too many things at one time. I was multitasking again - something I know that research warns against. Yet I persist. We’ve all done it. In fact, most of us probably think we're pretty good at [...]
read moreThe Holidays Are Coming
It’s almost here – the most wonderful time of the year! It’s also the time of year where people are the most stressed out. We are constantly making sure that no one is skipped on our lists, traveling to see family, and eating lots of unhealthy food just to name a few! This time of [...]
read moreA Little Gratitude Goes a Long Way
In case you aren’t sure how to change up your regular daily habits and do something special in your day, consider a gratitude practice. We all go on auto pilot in our lives, and sometimes that automatic way of going about life lacks a sense of being grateful for what we have. We often forget [...]
read moreEarly Morning Walk
Happy WHENsday® Hopefully your WHENsday is going great! This morning, despite biting winds and cold temperatures, I decided to bundle up and stick to my WHENSDAY plan to go for an early morning walk, and I’m so glad I did. I feel invigorated to start the day. I’ve also chosen today to be my smile [...]
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